Ph: (02) 4576 6028  Mob: 0414 862 397

Hawkesbury Powered Parachute Centre. Ph: (02) 4576 6028  Mob: 0414 862 397                Web Design by VIDEO INNOVATIONS
Email us: poweredparachutecentre@exemail.com.au

Powered Parachutes

Contact Us:
Ph: (02) 4576 6028   Mob: 0414 862 397
Email: poweredparachutecentre@exemail.com.au

Contact;  Graeme Hutchinson CFI. Ph: 0414 862 397

Our head training office and aircraft hanger is located at Lot 2 Airport Rd, Cowra NSW 2794.

This is where our training to pilot status takes place, as well as trial instructional flights.

Local trail instructional flights can not be carried out in the Hawkesbury due to changed military rulings regarding controlled air space.

Come and see us in Cowra.