Ph: (02) 4576 6028 Mob: 0414 862 397
Hawkesbury Powered Parachute Centre. Ph: (02) 4576 6028 Mob: 0414 862 397 Web Design by VIDEO INNOVATIONS
Email us: poweredparachutecentre@exemail.com.au
So what is a powered parachute? (or PPC)
A powered parachute is an ultralight flying aircraft that typically has a tube frame, usually constructed from aircraft grade aluminum, the cart then hangs below the flexible parachute wing like a pendulum.
The cart has an engine and a pusher propeller and due to the drag of the wing will fly slowly and safely.
The powered parachute, with its low and slow characteristics, has the amazing ability to fulfill our dream of flight with the safety of the high wing allowing a relaxing fun filled flight. Flight controls of a PPC are quite simple; lines attached to each side of the rear of the chute and connected to steering controller in the cockpit allow in flight turning and flare on landing. The throttle controls climb and descent.
How simple is that, it is easy to learn how to fly a powered parachute because it was designed that way.
PPC's can be used in locations where normal aircraft are impractical, due to the capability for short distance take off and landing.
Depending on the total weight of a PPC it does not need much runway to take off and may even climb at a rate of 1-
Although not a fast aircraft with maximum speed restricted to about 75kmh it is inherently safe to fly,being close to stall and spin proof and should the fire go out(engine stops) it simply will land like a Parachute. Most people can be flying solo between 3 to 5 hours into your flight training programme. A minimum of 20 hours flying time is required by RA-
Due to the nature of the flexible wing, flying is legally restricted to 15 knot maximum wind for takeoff,however if the wind does pick up during your flight with your training you can still land safely. If you happen to tip over on landing or take off, you are harnessed in a safe protective roll cage. If in doubt as to the wind strength remember it is optional to take off yet mandatory to land.
Aerochute lndustries with over 20 years experience in flying have produced the Australian factory made Aircraft-
Aerochute lndustries with a safety record of nil fatalities produce a safe and proven aircraft.
Recreational Aviation Australia promote and encourage the sport of aviation in Australia, more and
more options are available with the American Soaring Concepts, PPC Sky Trek or Canadian PPC, Summit or Australian AAA Fasterway PPC, all of these already approved and available in Australia or why not build your own?
Call Graeme Hutchinson;
Email us: poweredparachutecentre@exemail.com.au
Ph: (02) 4576 6028 Mob: 0414 862 397