Ph: (02) 4576 6028 Mob: 0414 862 397
Let the Adventure begin…..My Adventure began in 1989 at the Annual Hawkesbury show, for that’s where I first saw a Powered Parachute, manufactured in Australia by Stephen Conte of Aerochute Industries.
Having a young family and a new business with all the commitments that go with life, flying for the time being was just not going to happen.
Thirteen years later, and some space to follow my adventure, I could not find the Aerochutes so learning to fly fixed wing ultra light aircraft at the Oaks near Camden NSW for me was the best I could manage, and then six hours into my instruction program I found a link through the American powered parachute’s site ,Aerochutes, the Aussie powered parachute adventure………….
And the rest is History, accreditation and licensing with Stephen from Aerochute in VIC then back to NSW and Instructor Training with Powered parachute pioneer Oliver Males.
The club is steadily gaining strength, and is a friendly family environment. Hawkesbury Powered Parachutes is not just a thing for the Guys, membership is open to all with pilot training available to those as young as fifteen and as old as …………! And if you do not want be a pilot or an active member, supportive membership is more than welcome with training as ground crew always an option.
Email us: poweredparachutecentre@exemail.com.au
Ph: (02) 4576 6028 Mob: 0414 862 397